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United States

Sheefa is a young and fresh new source of Local raw honey. Based in Anaheim, California our responsibility is to provide pure honey with two promises kept in mind: first is that this honey is guaranteed 100% raw, second is that this honey is produced in local California. Sheefa means 'healing' and with local raw honey, that is what you are guaranteed. Known throughout history honey has always been looked at as a source of healing because of its many benefits. Raw honey is a source of natural healthy sugars with trace amounts of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. It is a versatile product in culinary, beauty, throat-soothing applications, as well as a source of energy for athletic needs. We hope that with every jar of Sheefa (healing) that you be granted Sheefa! 

Going the Extra Mile: The Benefits of Adding Honey to Your Weight Loss Plan

The Buzz Blog

Welcome to The Buzz Blog! As said once (by someone we don't know but love) Bees don't know they are small, so they DO great things. This is the place to read Case Studies, ppdates and stories around raw honey and we think you'll love it!

Going the Extra Mile: The Benefits of Adding Honey to Your Weight Loss Plan

Felipe Cabral

Going the extra mile is an expression used to describe going beyond what is required to get something done.

When it comes to weight loss, it can mean not only following the steps of your weight-loss strategy but also adding an extra step to it. One such extra step that can enhance weight-loss results is to add raw honey to your plan.

Honey is a natural sweetener that adds an enjoyable taste to meals and drinks. It has a high nutritional value, as it is composed of various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also assists with digestion, as it can help to break down food and absorb nutrients. Furthermore, it helps to regulate blood sugar levels, which is beneficial for weight loss.


Benefits of Adding Honey to Your Weight Loss Plan

Incorporating honey into your weight-loss plan is relatively easy:

  • One of the main benefits of honey is that it is a natural sweetener. This means that it does not contain any artificial ingredients or chemicals, making it a healthier option compared to processed sweets.

  • High Nutritional Value: Honey is also rich in vitamins and minerals, making it a nutritious addition to your diet. It contains antioxidants, which can help to protect your body from damage caused by free radicals.

  • Honey is known to have anti-inflammatory properties and can help to improve digestion. This can help to reduce bloating and stomach discomfort, which can be a common issue for those trying to lose weight.

  • Honey is a low glycemic index food, which means that it can help to keep your blood sugar levels stable. This can help to prevent cravings and overeating, which can be major obstacles in a weight loss journey.

How to Incorporate Honey into Your Weight Loss Plan

One of the easiest ways to incorporate honey into your diet is to replace processed sweets with honey. This can include things like cookies, cakes, and candy. Adding honey to your smoothies is another great way to add honey to your diet. This can help to sweeten them up and make them more enjoyable, while also adding some extra nutrition. Lastly, you can use honey as a natural sweetener for things like tea, coffee, and oatmeal. This can help to reduce your intake of processed sugars, which can be a major contributor to weight gain.


Challenges of Adding Honey to Your Weight Loss Plan

While honey is a healthier option compared to processed sugars, it is still high in sugar and calories. It's important to be mindful of your portion size, and not go overboard with it. Also be reminded that for some people, consuming honey can cause an allergic reaction. If you have a history of allergies, it is best to consult with your doctor before adding honey to your diet.

In summary, adding honey to your weight loss plan can offer many benefits such as its natural sweetener, high nutritional value, improved digestion and controlled blood sugar. However, it's important to be mindful of its high sugar and calorie content and potential allergy issues. Incorporating honey into your diet can be done by replacing processed sweets with honey, adding it to smoothies and using it as a natural sweetener. As always, it's important to consult with a healthcare professional before making any major changes to your diet. Tell us your experience. Have you tried using honey as an effective alternative to processed sugars? Comment on our Instagram page :)