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United States

Sheefa is a young and fresh new source of Local raw honey. Based in Anaheim, California our responsibility is to provide pure honey with two promises kept in mind: first is that this honey is guaranteed 100% raw, second is that this honey is produced in local California. Sheefa means 'healing' and with local raw honey, that is what you are guaranteed. Known throughout history honey has always been looked at as a source of healing because of its many benefits. Raw honey is a source of natural healthy sugars with trace amounts of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. It is a versatile product in culinary, beauty, throat-soothing applications, as well as a source of energy for athletic needs. We hope that with every jar of Sheefa (healing) that you be granted Sheefa! 

Grilled banana with cinnamon and honey

The Buzz Blog

Welcome to The Buzz Blog! As said once (by someone we don't know but love) Bees don't know they are small, so they DO great things. This is the place to read Case Studies, ppdates and stories around raw honey and we think you'll love it!

Grilled banana with cinnamon and honey

Felipe Cabral

It's that time of the year when the weather starts getting colder and muggier

and what better way to brighten up your day than with a delicious tropical dessert made with fresh fruit and tasty honey.

Bonus tip: serve this as your dessert for Thanksgiving dinner.

This simple yet tasty dessert is bound to knock your socks off. Enjoy it with or without ice cream.


  • 2 Bananas

  • 1 tbsp Butter melted

  • 1 tsp Cinnamon ground

  • 1 tbsp Honey

🥘 Prep

In a bowl combine the honey, cinnamon and melted butter mix. And that is all, nothing more to do here!

🔥 Grilling

  1. Take a fresh banana and slice it in half lengthwise. Cut right through the skin and all. We suggest you use very fresh bananas. Browning bananas will be too mushy to cut.

  2. Next, brush a little bit of olive oil (Why not go with our very own Palestinian variety) on the cut side to minimize the chance of sticking.

  3. Set the cut side down on a grill preheated to 350 degrees and let it cook for about 3 minutes, doesn't take long at all.

  4. Flip the bananas over so the peel side is down and brush the honey cinnamon mixture. Let it then grill for another 3 minutes or so.


Before you continue reading the rest of the article, please check out this amazing Giveaway we are doing for Thanksgiving. You too could easily win, simply follow the instructions on the video description:


💡 Further Tips

The bananas may be difficult to flip over using tongs. You can use a large metal spatula to keep everything together.

🍴 Serving Ideas

If you have a sweet tooth like us at HNY then you'll love this part of the recipe. Add the bananas to a bowl, scoop in vanilla ice cream and sprinkle some fresh blueberries. This makes a positively delicious dessert for you to enjoy time and time again.

As you can see this dessert recipe is as simple as it gets. It's a welcome relief after all of that hard Thanksgiving cooking too. If you’re looking for an easy and tasty way to serve that special dessert after dinner, look no further. Consider grabbing a bottle of our Palestinian Olive Oil to use for your recipe.