Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact us. 

Fill in the message with as much detail as possible. Include your reason for contacting us accompanied by your contact information and the best way to reach you. Thank you.

United States

Sheefa is a young and fresh new source of Local raw honey. Based in Anaheim, California our responsibility is to provide pure honey with two promises kept in mind: first is that this honey is guaranteed 100% raw, second is that this honey is produced in local California. Sheefa means 'healing' and with local raw honey, that is what you are guaranteed. Known throughout history honey has always been looked at as a source of healing because of its many benefits. Raw honey is a source of natural healthy sugars with trace amounts of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. It is a versatile product in culinary, beauty, throat-soothing applications, as well as a source of energy for athletic needs. We hope that with every jar of Sheefa (healing) that you be granted Sheefa! 

Contact Us

Any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to contact us. If you have questions about honey or shipping, feel free to check out our FAQ page first. We might have already answered your question!




HNY is a young and fresh new source of Local raw honey. Based in Anaheim, California our responsibility is to provide pure honey with two promises kept in mind: first is that this honey is guaranteed 100% raw, second is that this honey is produced in local California. We’re called HNY because that's HONEY without the “fillers", without the added stuff. Formerly Sheefahoney, the word Sheefa means 'healing' and with local raw honey, that is what you are guaranteed. Known throughout history, honey has always been looked at as a source of healing because of its many benefits. Raw honey is a source of natural healthy sugars with trace amounts of enzymes, minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids. It is a versatile product in culinary, beauty, throat-soothing applications, as well as a source of energy for athletic needs. We hope that with every jar of Sheefa (healing) that you be granted Sheefa! 



Contact HNY Honey

HNY is dedicated to customer service and unconditional love.

In order to get in contact please fill in the forum. 

We would love to hear from you, especially testimonials of satisfaction!

Let us know if we can use your testimonial for our social media outlets.

For other inquiries please leave a detailed message and contact information for us to process your request in a satisfactory time frame.

If your inquire requires urgency feel free to include a phone number.

HNY welcomes all forms of critiques and suggestions. Thank you!